BEEFRIENDING is the second of three pieces I created for the BUGS exhibit. As I view this piece I reflect on my approach to my work it seems I don't often know what is going to come forth creatively so I just let it show up with each moment. Then other works come from an illustration I develop in a sketchbook or I may go further with a simple study to get more of a sense of the piece. BEEFREINDING came somewhat spontaneously. I first applied several coats of black gesso to the small, short-legged chair for a base ground to work on. Then after sanding and removing any residue I painted the imagery that came to mind. Once or twice or more I go digging through and gather up a few of my various collected objects. I then added longer legs to the chair made from turned dowels plus the addition of the balls at the foot of each leg. Colorful discs were placed where the legs meet the chair giving them a more interesting transition as they connect. These were all treated with numerous coats of gesso, then acrylic paint and colored pencil. The child's block and all the attached elements on top as well as the spheres, discs and feathers on the chair's back risers were all embellishments I affixed to add further character and whimsy.
Here is a closer look at BEEFRIENDING. The occurrence of the bee landing atop the bird's head could have been one of annoyance or even an opportunity for a snack . . . hmmmm . . . perhaps not. My feeling was that this could be a moment for a friendly and harmonious exchange, an instant for pause and tolerance.
BEEFRIENDING up close and personal .
The chair stands 23H X 5-7/8W X 5-5/8D. Click on the photos for a larger images.