When the idea of a small trailer (see previous post) came to me for the DOORS show, it was a vision in my mind's eye. Then I went to my sketch book where I plant seeds and started to doodle - I love to doodle - and played with shapes for this piece. The first one was a bit crude and I thought I would title it HOME GROWN, which is still on the "pieces to do" list. The second sketch was getting closer and the third one was drawn in photoshop to get the curves to transition smoothly. The next step was to scour my studio for materials I could use. Aluminum sheeting, yes. Wallpaper, I created in photoshop. Flooring, scraps of marmoleum. Wheels...hmmm. My husband went to a box of goodies in his workshop that had some parts from a very old radio...alas, there they were, tuning pulleys, the perfect wheels, down to the little "tire valve" to which I preceeded to add black paint to simulate a valve cap. And the rest evolved as I went along. Thus it was birthed.
By the way, the opening last night was a success. The exhibit was displayed beautifully. Once again, kudos to the staff at BAC. I GO WHERE I'M TOWED got lots of smiles and attention and happily found a new home to park itself. It is, often times, bitter-sweet to see one's creations depart, but much to my delight this piece is going to live with 2 dear people whom I know. They love it very much. So it remains in the extended family, so to speak. I hope you can get by to see all the wonderful and creative ideas that sprouted from the artists who participated...
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