To my delight, I was recently re-introduced to a beautiful coyote named Charlie. After being away from the site for a while I came back with a heightened interest this time. Maybe because I hear coyotes a lot where I live and it triggered my fond memory of Charlie.
This illustration, TRICKSTER, I created some years ago now, but I was inspired to post it today because of Charlie and his friend, Shreve. You can read about them and their endearing story on their web-site which I have been following titled Daily Coyote. Charlie was orphaned and rescued as a pup and re-parented by Shreve, a talented and wise young woman living in Wyoming. This link will start you at the beginning of their connection, then you can move up to present day as you desire. I have always been amused and in awe of these wonderful wild creatures and to have such a close relationship with one must be a rewarding gift and, of course, not without challenges, from what I have read from Shreve's writings.
Remember the wild things and treat them with respect.
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