Saturday, February 1, 2020


Haven't been very active in my studio this winter...not very inspired and a bit distracted, dismayed and saddened by what is happening to our country and as a result affecting our foreign relationships around the world and the direction of the political system. However, I will stay optimistic and do all I can to bring our country back to some sense of sanity and support and vote for those I know will keep democracy alive.

But let's leave that subject behind so as to have a brighter outlook. My studio has calling for my attention, for sure, despite my ignoring said calls. It is in much need of clearing-out and freshening-up, thus creating a clean slate to start anew. I am overwhelmed by the prospect of the purge, but will gain more energy for climbing out of hibernation and digging-in as our days get longer with more hours of light...ah, the light...we need that light.

Thanks for sticking with me despite the lack of posts. Keep checking is as I may just surprise you...and thanks for your patience and persistence in pursuing these pages...your attention and support are much appreciated.

Here is a close-up detail of a piece I did a number of years ago... 
BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON -  seems appropriate for the moment.